About Me

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I don't really know where to start on an about me section. I feel like this is facebook all over again. All I will tell you is the people who are going to read my blogs will already know enough about me. :) If you don't, like maybe a new friend or something, then check out my fb's about me section haha!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Emotions are running high

Today my sister turned 28, which I am very happy about! She is an amazing sister. The thing is, with her birthday comes the realization that I will be turning 26 soon. Man, time goes by so quickly. I still remember when I was just a kid playing in the backyard with my sisters. I know, 26 isn't that old, but when your plan from the beginning of your life was to have a family and career by the age of 30- well it seems impossible at this point. I know, God can make it happen if that's what he wants to happen. He is in control, that's why it hasn't happened yet. I'm just scared at this point, I want it to happen so bad. I'm tired of living alone with the same ol same ol routine.

Another part of this weekend was witnessing 3 young ones get baptized this morning. It's the most amazing thing to see, outside of knowing that they accepted Christ to begin with. I see strong potential in those guys and am very excited for them! God is good!

For those of you that don't know, I am a very emotional person to begin with. So knowing that seeing those 3 this morning and hearing their testimonies made me cry, shouldn't surprise you. I think God gave me the ability to wear my heart on my sleeve as some would say. Sometimes it's a good thing, more often I feel like it's a bad thing. :) But I accept it and just run with it, what can I do?

Not sure what the meaning behind this post really is, I just felt like getting it out and have no one to talk to at the moment, so why not blog?

1 comment:

  1. you are going to be 26 I am old I am big 30
