About Me

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I don't really know where to start on an about me section. I feel like this is facebook all over again. All I will tell you is the people who are going to read my blogs will already know enough about me. :) If you don't, like maybe a new friend or something, then check out my fb's about me section haha!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Emotions are running high

Today my sister turned 28, which I am very happy about! She is an amazing sister. The thing is, with her birthday comes the realization that I will be turning 26 soon. Man, time goes by so quickly. I still remember when I was just a kid playing in the backyard with my sisters. I know, 26 isn't that old, but when your plan from the beginning of your life was to have a family and career by the age of 30- well it seems impossible at this point. I know, God can make it happen if that's what he wants to happen. He is in control, that's why it hasn't happened yet. I'm just scared at this point, I want it to happen so bad. I'm tired of living alone with the same ol same ol routine.

Another part of this weekend was witnessing 3 young ones get baptized this morning. It's the most amazing thing to see, outside of knowing that they accepted Christ to begin with. I see strong potential in those guys and am very excited for them! God is good!

For those of you that don't know, I am a very emotional person to begin with. So knowing that seeing those 3 this morning and hearing their testimonies made me cry, shouldn't surprise you. I think God gave me the ability to wear my heart on my sleeve as some would say. Sometimes it's a good thing, more often I feel like it's a bad thing. :) But I accept it and just run with it, what can I do?

Not sure what the meaning behind this post really is, I just felt like getting it out and have no one to talk to at the moment, so why not blog?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I have to write again, already.

Tonight was a rough night for my best friend. I am awake by choice at 4 in the morning because I am worried about him and what he's going through and I care about him. I can't give details, but I was reminded tonight how much I care about him. God reminded me tonight, that through anything, I am able to be there for him even if our friendship has been rocky lately. I'm praying for him and his sister. They both need encouragement and prayer, so if your reading this please pray. Pray an unspoken prayer request, as Meg explained well in one of her blogs, God will know what is on my heart for them. I hope I can be there for him like he needs, I ask God to give me the right words to say..

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I love you, dj

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Blog...

Hello all!

After reading through many blogs today, I realized this might just be something I enjoy doing! Thanks- Karen, Meg, Jamie and Gretchen! Now I'm sitting here about to write my first blog and actually am not sure where to start.

God has been good to me in 2010, since its now February 2011, I will share with you some things He has done for me.

He brought me to IBC. Words can't explain how IBC and the people there have helped me and changed my life. I am thankful every day, as without IBC I think my life was heading in the wrong direction. I wasn't a terrible person by far, but I have made stupid decisions in the past. I'm sure I will continue to make stupid decisions, I can only grow from them. Last year alone at IBC, I was involved in so much. An overnight teen lock in, Superbowl, choir, praise team, started to teach myself piano (which has come to a complete stop, but will hopefully resume soon with lessons!), VBS, small group-when I had time off work to go, and lots more. I can't remember everything, there has been so much. God has brought wonderful people into my life, that I am so thankful for. People who have been there for me and showed me truly what God is about. 2011 is only going to get better!

He has rekindled my relationship with one of my sisters. Life is too short and precious to take advantage of. I will never again be in that type of situation with any member of my family. I love them all too much.

He has helped me through schooling. I started late in 2009 and am doing good. I love it and cannot wait to get to the point where I can quit my current job and move on to what I actually want to be doing!

He brought into my life someone to help motivate me to lose weight. Not only did he help motivate me, but he gave me action plans and encouraged me. I didn't even know this person on a personal level before that time, but God showed me his grace for others. In that time, I was able to lose about 40 lbs, and have kept it off so far! Now in 2011, I have been lazy and need to get my butt back in action!

And finally,
He has showed me that I am capable of so much. He has opened my eyes to see the special things in life, that I may not have seen before. He took me away from all the bad in my life and brought me to the good. I thank God every day for what he has done in my life and will continue to do.

Thanks for reading, I'll continue to post. Not sure how often.. we'll see!